Miory Bakery
Until 1972 bread baking had been produced at a small bakery and made up 5 tons per day. In July 1972 the construction of a new bakery was finished with capacity of 45 tons per day. There were three technological lines installed at the bakery, equipped with ФТЛ-2 furnaces. The warehouse of bulk storage of flour was built. In 1987 the reconstruction of the bakery began. The warehouse of bulk storage of flour was reconstructed with ХБУ tanks substitution for ХЕ-160 ones. Dough furnace units were installed. A new salt basin was built. ХПЯ-25 furnace was mounted in order to produce long loaves and bakery products. The results of these arrangements are the improvement of working conditions, increase of productivity. The production quality was also improved. In order to expand the assortment and to improve the quality of the production of bakery and muffins products two rotor furnaces have been installed recently. The power of these furnaces makes up 1.8 tons per day, allowing to produce up to 30 nominations of the production per day. In connection with growing demand for sliced and packaged production the machines for slicing and packaging were purchased. About 55% of the production is produced in packaged form, 70% of which is sliced. In order to save fuel- energy resources and to improve financial rates of the enterprise, the boiler room and furnaces were transferred to gas fuel. The line of hearth bread production was mounted with the same aim. The power of that furnace makes up 3.2 tons per day.