+375 (212) 67-21-00; 36-53-64

The Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk,
street. Gorbachev, 5

SMP “Vitebskhlebstroi”

SMP “Vitebskhlebstroi” is a brunch of RUPE “Vitebskhlebprom”. The activity of that factory is the organization of efficient production and economic activity, aimed at getting profit with the help of repair and construction work, release of industrial production and consumer goods in required volume.
Nowadays SMP “Vitebskhlebstroi” consists of the following constructions: sawmill, indoor playground for timber, drying chamber, wood working shops, warehouses and garages.
SMP “Vitebskhlebstroi” carries out maintenance and major overhaul of RUPE “Vitebskhlebprom” brunches, healthcare facilities, houses. It also carries out wood processing and manufacturing of joinery in order to provide building site and brunches of RUPE “Vitebskhlebprom” with all necessary timber and joinery.
At the beginning of 2011 payroll number of employees was 70.